• Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of the English language that students learn starting in the fourth grade. In a sentence, the subject refers to the noun or pronoun that performs the action, while the verb indicates the action taken by the subject. For instance, in the sentence « The dog barks, » « dog » is the subject, and « barks » is the verb. Correct subject-verb agreement involves ensuring that the verb agrees with the number and person of the subject.

    Below are some rules that fourth-grade students need to follow to ensure proper subject-verb agreement:

    1. Singular subjects require singular verbs, while plural subjects require plural verbs. For example:

    – The boy runs. (singular subject and verb)

    – The girls run. (plural subject and verb)

    2. If there is a compound subject involving two or more nouns, use a plural verb. For example:

    – The cat and the dog play together. (plural verb)

    3. When the subject is a collective noun representing a group of individuals, the verb can be either singular or plural, depending on the context. For example:

    – The audience applauds the performance. (singular verb, treating audience as a group)

    – The audience disagree on the topic. (plural verb, treating audience as individuals)

    4. When the subject is a proper noun, such as a name of a person or place, always use a singular verb. For example:

    – John loves playing basketball. (singular verb)

    5. When the subject is indefinite, such as « someone, » « anyone, » « everyone, » or « nobody, » use a singular verb. For example:

    – Someone is knocking at the door. (singular verb)

    By following these simple rules, fourth-grade students can ensure that their sentences have proper subject-verb agreement, making them clear and grammatically correct.